Vandis Tech in 20 Demo: Aruba AOS 8 Live Upgrade

Aruba AOS 8 Live Upgrade
ose familiar with the ArubaOS family likely expect intuitive, user-friendly features. One of the features of OS 8 that is getting a lot of attention is the Live Upgrade feature. With Live Upgrade, you can upgrade your production environment during the day – without any drops, failures, or service disruptions. This is possible thanks to Aruba’s unique upgrade design: the process takes individual components within the environment and upgrades them in a way that always leaves resources available to your users. 

During this live demonstration, Vandis Mobility Architects will walk through the process step by step to show how simple and user-friendly the platform is, and how the upgrade can be completed with just a few clicks within an upgrade profile. The demo will also highlight the differences between AOS 6 and AOS 8, so you can determine if upgrading is the right path for your organization.  

Request your demo to see the full upgrade process, including these key steps: 

  • Partitioning APs by Channel  
  • Copying Firmware to Controller 
  • Controller Reboot (first controller) 
  • Firmware Preload 
  • AP Reboot (by partition) 
  • Final Controller Reboot 
  • Load Balance AP/User Sessions 

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